“Moroni and Pahoran Restore Peace to the Land”

Monte S. Nyman

This was the fifth major battle in this section of the Book of Mormon. Unlike the first rebellion of the king-men, the men of Pachus, the now deceased king of the dissenters, were given a trial (vv. 8–9; compare 51:19). Although not stated, it is implied that those who repented or who would not fight against the country were not executed (see vv. 16–17 below). While execution may seem harsh, the thousands who had been killed, and the threat of many more that would yet be killed had the law not been carried out, justifies their execution. To paraphrase the message of the Spirit to Nephi, son of Lehi: “It is better that [these who deny freedom] should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish [in war]” (1 Nephi 4:13).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
