Memories: The Lord Healed Us

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

Just as charity transformed the situation with Moroni and Pahoran into one of amity and cooperation, it is well to remember that in every contentious time the Lord can help us as we apply and practice the doctrine and principle of charity. Such was the case in the mission field.

Contention in the mission field—misunderstandings, lack of communication, back-biting and gossiping—probably ruins more days than anything else. We must learn to bridle our tongue, our passions; to speak kind and loving things; and to avoid contention. Contention is of the devil (see 3 Nephi 11:28–29).

It was 10:30 at night. Every missionary should have been in bed. Whenever the phone rings at 10:30 at night, something’s wrong. The phone rang. I answered and heard the voice of a great zone leader. “Hello President, I’ve got a problem. One of the couples is upset with two of the missionaries because something happened that didn’t go right, and the bishop’s upset now, and I’m the zone leader, and you told me to take care of it and I don’t know what to do. The couple’s angry at me, and the elders didn’t think they were at fault, and the bishop’s ready to call you up. I just don’t know what to do.”

I said, “Elder, pray tonight, and you call me tomorrow morning at 6:30 and we will counsel together on the things that the Lord would have you do.”

Later that night the couple called. “President Pinegar, we want to see you tomorrow morning.”

I said, “I have a commitment.”

“No, we have to see you.”

I said, “What’s the matter?”

“These two elders in our ward … and you know … well they deserve … and we want to make sure they understand it now.” That was the basic tone of the conversation. Everyone was upset.

The next morning the zone leader called, and contention was still rampant. The zone leader asked, “President, what shall I do?”

I said, “Elder, first have a kneeling prayer, then read them Moroni 7:44–48; John 13:34–35 and Matthew 25:40. Then suggest in the spirit of love and charity, ‘Let us solve our problem so we can be happy in the service of the Lord.’ That was more or less the instruction. Two hours later the phone rang. “President, I just had the greatest day of my life. President, you never grow until you have a challenge. I was just sick to my stomach, but the Spirit of the Lord was so strong. We all cried, we all hugged, we all loved each other. We’re going to do it. We made up. Things are right, and President, the Lord healed us. The Lord healed us.” (Ed J. Pinegar)

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
