“Pahoran Instructs Captain Moroni”

Monte S. Nyman

As the commander-in-chief the Nephite armies, Pahoran gives his chief captain his orders. In doing so, he gives us another principle of war, one that had been given many years before by Alma: “whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, … let us resist with our swords” (v. 14; compare 31:5). However, he recognized that even war should be conducted “according to the Spirit of God” (v. 15). His equating the Spirit of God with the spirit of freedom (v. 15) is consistent with revelation. “The Spirit of truth is of God” (D&C 93:26; compare D&C 88:6–13; John 15:26). Pahoran is also making “use of the means which the Lord has provided for [them]” (Alma 61:16–18; 60:21).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
