“I Do Not Joy in Your Great Afflictions Yea It Grieves My Soul”

Bryan Richards

John K. Carmack

"A person’s deepest values and true character surface under stress…Pahoran answered Moroni’s scathing epistle without a trace of bitterness or defensiveness. An ordinary person, having been placed in Pahoran’s devastating position and then wrongly blamed for creating it, would have automatically responded: ’Why are you blaming me, after all I’ve been through? Find someone else to shoulder this responsibility. I’m through!’ Pahoran, to his distinct credit, said, ’I do not joy in your great afflictions, yea, it grieves my soul. But behold, there are those who do joy in your afflictions, yea, insomuch that they have risen up in rebellion against me, and also those of my people who are freemen.’ (Alma 61:2Alma 61:3Alma 61:2-3.) (Heroes from the Book of Mormon, p. 140.)

