“I Direct Mine Epistle to Pahoran”

Brant Gardner

Moroni did not receive the desired response from the first letter sent to Pahoran, and so he sends another. Mormon did not include the first letter, but he does include this one that expresses a greater frustration. The letter begins quite formally by not only addressing Pahoran, but by addressing Pahoran’s position. The letter then expands to any other who might be of assistance in the request.

Textual: Verse 13 of chapter 59 is included because it rightly forms the beginning of this unit in Mormon’s original chapter. Mormon is preparing to insert a letter from Moroni, and this is the introductory material to that insertion. Mormon does not change chapters with this particular insertion because it is part of a chapter dealing with Moroni’s actions, and it requires the understanding of the previous effort to assist Helaman to be correctly understood.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
