“The Nephites Retake Manti”

Monte S. Nyman
  1. Nephites camp in the wilderness (Alma 58:13).
  2. Lamanites send out spies (Alma 58:14–15).
  3. Gid and Teancum secrete themselves in the wilderness (Alma 58:16–17).
  4. The Nephites retreat; the Lamanites follow them towards Zarahemla (Alma 58:18–19).
  5. Gid and Teancum cut off the Lamanite spies, go to Manti, overcome the guards, and retake the city (Alma 58:20–23).
  6. Helaman’s army continues towards Zarahemla, Lamanites retreat towards Manti and camp in the wilderness (Alma 58:23–25).
  7. Helaman’s army travels all night to Manti (Alma 58:26).
  8. Manti is retaken without shedding of blood, the Lamanites flee carrying away many women and children (Alma 58:27–31).

Thus the third city is retaken without blood being shed: Antiparah (Alma 57:4), Cumeni (Alma 57:12), and Manti (Alma 58:28). However, there were many Lamanites killed and some Nephites in battles outside of the cities and as prisoners of war (see Alma 56:52; 57:14; 57:26).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
