“They Did Obey and Observe to Perform Every Word of Command with Exactness”

Bryan Richards

The stripling warriors did perform every word of command with exactness. We are told that we are to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matt 4:4). On a military level, the stripling warriors had accomplished this, for they fought by every command that proceeded out of the mouth of Helaman. The result was that there was not one soul of them who did perish (v. 25).

Bruce R. McConkie taught, “Obedience is the first law of heaven, the cornerstone upon which all righteousness and progression rest.” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 539) The full expression of “righteousness and progression” in mortality is to have one’s calling and election made sure. Joseph Smith taught that obedience with exactness is a prerequisite, “After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized…then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure.” (Teachings, p. 150, italics added)

“I find the elements of obedience within this verse fascinating. What is the motivation for obeying with exactness? Could this be seen as blind obedience? Blind obedience is sheep following sheep, while following in exactness is sheep following the Shepherd; and Christ is the Good Shepherd (see ”Alma 5:37“Alma 5:38”Alma 5:39Alma 5:37-39). This is the same principle the Lord was teaching the Saints in 1832, when he said, ’I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise’ ("D&C 82:10D&C 82:10). By obeying Helaman’s orders with exactness, they were showing they did not doubt the Lord’s promise made to them through their mothers.
“The stripling warriors must have been aware that their obedience to their leaders was an extension of their obedience to their God. This was not a new concept to the Nephites. (See ”1 Ne. 3:5“1 Ne. 3:6”1 Ne. 3:71 Nephi 3:5-7; “Mosiah 2:30”Mosiah 2:31Mosiah 2:30-31; “Alma 45:2”Alma 45:3“Alma 45:4”Alma 45:5“Alma 45:6”Alma 45:7“Alma 45:8Alma 45:2-8) Their obedience to Helaman’s command was more than swift, it was exact. A celestial strategy was involved, even in that mortal battlefield. They had been promised that if they, ’did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his [God’s] marvelous power’ (”Alma 57:26Alma 57:26). Would it have been possible for them to support their God without supporting their leaders? This is the ultimate test of obedience; to show one’s allegiance to a perfect and infallible God by how we obey those less than perfect who are called to lead us." (K. Douglas Bassett, Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., p. 229)

Teddy E. Brewerton

"Today President Kimball is the Lord’s mouthpiece on the earth, and when he says we should do certain things, even small things, what is our answer? For example, if he says clean up your yard—do it. If he says paint your fence—do it. If he says one more endowment per person per year—do it. If he says at least one more couple per ward in the mission field—do it. If he says to avoid commercial purchases whenever possible on Sunday—do it. What blessings we must impede through lack of full obedience!
"Now, why obey? In Deuteronomy it states, ’Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day.’ Now, why: ’that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for ever.’ (Deut. 4:40.)
“And again in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 98: ’And again I say unto you, if ye observe to do whatsoever I command you, I, the Lord, will turn away all wrath and indignation from you, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.’ (D&C 98:22.)” (“Obedience—Full Obedience,” Ensign, May 1981, 68)

