“Six Thousand Men”

Alan C. Miner

One might wonder if the "six thousand men" (Alma 57:6) sent from the land of Zarahemla to reinforce the men of Helaman was the same group of 6000 men that Moroni sent as recorded in Alma 62:12. There are some good reasons why this probably is not so:

First, the accounts are two years off;

Second, we observe that in the 31st year, Moroni also sends 6000 men to Teancum and Lehi. (The reader should note that 6000 men might seem to be a common military number); and

Third, as it will be seen in Alma 58:1-13, the 6000 men are not enough for Helaman, and so Helaman sends to Pahoran for more men and supplies. After waiting many months without support from Pahoran, Helaman writes to Moroni complaining. It is this complaint that stirs up Moroni to write and ask Pahoran what is going on. Ultimately, Moroni finds out and goes to Pahoran's aid. After they clean up the area of Zarahemla and restore Pahoran to the judgment seat, they then send 6000 men to Helaman.

Thus, we are dealing with two distinct groups of 6000 men, one that arrived in the 29th year (Alma 57:6), and one that arrived in the 31st year (Alma 62:12). [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 57:1-5 The City of Antiparah Falls to Helaman (28th Year)

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 57:6--58:10 Helaman Takes the City of Cumeni (29th Year)

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 58:13-39 The Nephites Battle the Lamanites at Manti (29th Year)

Alma 57:25 There was not one soul of them who did perish . . . neither was there one soul among them who had not received many wounds ([Illustration]): Helaman discovered that two hundred of his young striplings had fainted from loss of blood and all the rest had been severely wounded. Nevertheless, none had perished. [W. Cleon Skousen, Treasures from the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3, p. 3273]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
