Alma 55:8–12 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and behold they saw him a coming and they hailed him but he [sayeth 01|saith ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] unto them : fear not … and they said unto him : give us of your wine … but Laman [sayeth 0|sayeth >js said 1|saith A|said BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] unto them : let us keep of our wine till we go against the Nephites to battle … for said they : we are weary … and Laman [sayeth 0|sayeth >js said 1|saith A|said BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] unto them : you may do according to your desires

In this extensive conversation, the past tense is always used when the Lamanite guards speak to Laman (“and they hailed him”, “and they said”, “for said they”). On the other hand, in the original text, Laman’s answers (listed above as 1–3) are always in the historical present tense (“but he saith”, “but Laman saith”, “and Laman saith”). In his editing of 𝓟 for the 1837 edition, Joseph Smith changed the last two occurrences of saith to said, as he did in general for saith in pasttense contexts throughout the Book of Mormon text. But in his editing of 𝓟, Joseph neglected to emend the first saith to said, with the result that in the 1837 edition (and in all subsequent editions) the original saith has been retained. For consistency’s sake, this first saith should also be edited to said in the standard text. The critical text, on the other hand, will restore or maintain each instance of the historical present-tense saith whenever it is supported by the earliest text.

Summary: Restore in Alma 55:8–12 the two instances of the historical present-tense saith (in verses 10 and 12) that Joseph Smith edited to said for the 1837 edition; also maintain the saith in verse 8 that Joseph neglected to edit to said for that edition.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
