“I Am Ammoron, a Descendant of Zoram”

Brant Gardner

Ammoron closes with an identification of his authority, just as Moroni did; however, he claims the authority of an identity created by separation from his Nephite roots. Even though he and his brother had been part of the Nephite political world before their defection to the Lamanites, he declares that he was never really Nephite, but rather a Zoramite who remembers the wrong done to Zoram by Nephi. Ammoron is now a “bold Lamanite.” This war is justified by grudges from wrongs almost six centuries old. (See commentary accompanying Alma 54:17.)

Text: There is no chapter break at this point in the 1830 edition.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
