“We Know Not Such a Being Neither Do Ye”

Brant Gardner

Ammoron now responds to Moroni’s threats of eternal retribution. He suggests that he has no fear because he does not believe in God. As with many who have rejected God, Ammoron makes the assumption that because he does not know that there is a God, Moroni cannot know either. Of course that is a foolish logic, for one man’s lack of understanding does not guarantee a similar lack in another.

Finally, Ammoron suggests, based on his knowledge of the Nephite God, that God made all men, both the Nephites and the Lamanites. He suggests that since God made them both, then he would send Moroni to hell for the murder of Amalickiah.

Ammoron’s letter is an ingenious response to all of the issues mentioned in Moroni’s letter, with all of the elements turned against Moroni save one, the exchange of prisoners, which is agreed to as Moroni had wished.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
