“They Were All Young Men”

Brant Gardner

Verse 19 gives us an interesting perspective on the politics of having a people who refuse to defend themselves inside the Nephite political umbrella. Because they required defense, but would not defend themselves, they has “hitherto been a disadvantage.” Militarily this was so, but they still were able to participate by providing supplies to the army. Now that their sons were taking up arms, they were at least providing a force to directly assist in the military defense of the land of Zarahemla.

These young men chose Helaman as their leader. Helaman is not a military man, but rather a religious man. Helaman may have been selected as their leader because he understood the sacrifices that both the parents and the sons were making. The sons would have accepted him out of respect for Helaman’s care for their parents.

This army of two thousand young men would not be seasoned military men. They would be unused to battle tactics. They would be inexpert in the use of the sword. They would be bodies, but might not be effective weapons themselves. This entire enterprise would require the blessings of the lord, and it is not surprising that leader himself was more a man of god than a man of force.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
