“Some Intrigue Amongst the Nephites”

Alan C. Miner

What was the "intrigue amongst the Nephites" (Alma 53:8) which is mentioned in the reporting of the 28th year (Alma 52:19; 53:7; 54:1) and which kept Moroni away from the west coast? According to Alma 52:19-20, Moroni was on the east coast with Teancum in the commencement of the 28th year. Apparently, this "intrigue" that Mormon is talking about was the rise of the king-men in the 25th year of the reign of the judges, and is discussed by Mormon in Alma 51:1-22. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See Appendix A--Chronology]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
