“He Should Fortify the Land Bountiful and Secure the Narrow Pass Which Led into the Land Northward”

Alan C. Miner

Moroni commanded Teancum to "fortify the land Bountiful and secure the narrow pass which led into the land northward" (Alma 52:9). Thus it seems that chief captain Moroni felt that the actions of fortifying the land of Bountiful and securing the narrow pass were somehow connected in purpose. If this is true, then the location of these strategic geographical areas might be crucial to gaining an understanding of (or to seeing the differences between) various models of Book of Mormon geography. Therefore, it is up to each Book of Mormon geographical theorist to define "the land Bountiful," "the narrow pass," and "the land northward." [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See Geographical Theory Maps]

“And He Also Sent Orders Unto Him”

According to the geographical theory of David Palmer, the land Bountiful provided access to the land northward by way of an "east coast" route. This route was apparently the location of the cities (in the "east wilderness") taken by Amalickiah before he came to the land Bountiful. According to the theories of Palmer and John Sorenson, movement through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec [their proposed small neck of land] on the Gulf of Mexico side of the divide [their "east coast" route] is extremely difficult unless the ridge running from Acayucan past Minatitlan is followed. Elsewhere the area is too swampy for travel. . . . It seems likely that the gravelly ridge crossing this swampy area and ending at the major ford on the Coatzacoalcos river could be associated with the "narrow pass" (Alma 52:9). [David A. Palmer, In Search of Cumorah, pp. 31-32] [See the commentary on Alma 50:33-34; Helaman 4:7; Alma 63:5; Mormon 3:5-7]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
