“Amalickiah Seeks to Reign over Both Lamanites and Nephites”

Monte S. Nyman

Amalickiah is still not satisfied. He desires complete power (v. 2). His methods to obtain that power illustrates another principle of uninspired leadership. He selects trained henchmen to go among the Lamanites and spread falsehoods and accusations against their Nephite brethren (v. 1). An extension of that same principle is followed in his appointment of the apostate Zoramites as his chief captains. Before contrasting Amalickiah with Captain Moroni, let us summarize the uninspired principles of Amalickiah in support of Mormon’s precept of “the great wickedness one very wicked man can cause to take place among the children of men” (Alma 46:9).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
