“Ye Are Called of God to Preach the Word Unto This People”

Brant Gardner

At the end of this long period of instruction and admonition, Alma calls Corianton on another mission. Must Corianton not repent of apostasy and unchastity first? As I read this passage, the calling is the goal toward which Corianton will work during his repentance process. It is true that calling a missionary under such circumstances does not match modern practice. This calling, however, is being issued not only by the high priest but by a man whose missionary efforts began after his own period of apostasy and of leading the church astray.

We can certainly understand Alma’s parental pride in the “good” brothers, Helaman and Shiblon, but we should also understand Alma’s absolute empathy for Corianton. Their lives display almost uncanny parallels. From his perspective of a man transformed by the Spirit, Alma must have understood well where Corianton was and where he could be. Just as Alma’s great desire after his conversion was to preach, so it will be for Corianton. When his repentance is complete, he (like his father) can be a strong example and an empathetic teacher of those who have fallen into similar error. And in fact, when we next see him, he is included in the company of those who preach the word of God (implied in 43:1, confirmed in 49:30).

Text: The end of Corianton’s blessing finishes the section on Alma’s blessings to his sons and concludes a chapter in the 1830 edition.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
