“Remorse of Conscience”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
Thanks be to God for our consciences, those moral monitors which strive with us, which lead and teach and direct and point toward the good and the godly. Conscience is a manifestation of the Light of Christ or the Spirit of Jesus Christ, through which, if we heed its divine influence, we shall be led to the greater light of the Holy Ghost (see Moroni 7:16-19; D&C 84:45-48; Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, pp. 67-68; Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness, p. 260). When we fail to hearken to this light- when we act against our values and what we know to be right- we suffer remorse of conscience.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
