“The Decrees of God Are Unalterable”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Men are not to be judged by a capricious God, or by One who may change His requirements to obtain Life Eternal in His Kingdom to suit a whim or a fanciful notion. What He demands from one, He will demand from all, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will not change! The edicts of God do not vary; He will not change them into something else. Their meanings are plain so that all may understand.

Alma cautioned his son, Corianton, not to make the mistake of thinking that God, in His mercy, will overlook and not visit with a penalty any infraction of divine law. Or will He look with any degree of tolerance upon the continued course of evil. In the end, when all is said and done, wickedness will be its own paymaster, and its pay will be after the manner of the service rendered, misery for the wicked. Restoration implies that all things shall be returned to their former state, or their natural state; good unto good, and evil unto evil, misery unto misery, and happiness unto happiness. But a sinful person whose actions have brought him only misery, will not have happiness restored to him in his evil desires.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
