“The Way Is Prepared That Whosoever Will May Walk Therein and Be Saved”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Those who walked in the right path, and, also, those who saw their faults and follies and repented thereof with sincere hearts, are those who are redeemed of the Lord. Repent with a sincere heart means that thereafter the life of a man will prove the strength of his determination to keep God's commandments and hate instead of love evil. "These are they," the Sacred Record says, "Who are taken out." Out of what? Out of the prison that has held them bound with the bands of death and the chains of hell. In other words, hell and the grave. They are The Redeemed of the Lord who are delivered from "that endless night of darkness" which enshroud the wicked because they, and only they, refuse to come forth into the light. We can always remember that they who may have been wicked, as soon as they repent of their sins and serve the Lord, "Light will come forth unto them out of darkness." Man, when he stands before the great Judge at the Last Day, will be his own accuser; he will stand before Him, naked, without a thing to hide his actions here below. He will assist in the judicial decree handed down by the High Tribunal before which he will stand. He will be his own judge whether his actions were good or evil. "Therefore, let us walk in the light of the Lord," for "In Thy light do we see light."

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
