Alma 41:5 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
the one [restored 0|raised 1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] to happiness according to his desires of happiness or to good according to his desires of good

Here in verse 5, Oliver Cowdery miscopied the original manuscript’s restored as raised. Except for the ed at the end of the word, restored is extant in 𝓞. The two words restored and raised are visually similar; moreover, the error was probably prompted by the two occurrences of raised in the last half of the preceding verse, especially the second occurrence because of its reference to happiness:

On the other hand, the preceding text in Alma 41 consistently has restored, not raised:

Here in Alma 41:5, the critical text will follow the reading in 𝓞, restored.

Summary: Restore in Alma 41:5 the reading of the original manuscript, “the one restored to happiness”.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
