“Some Have Wrested the Scriptures and Have Gone Far Astray”

Bryan Richards

Hugh Nibley

"[Corianton] used the points of doctrine for a pretext [to commit sin], as many people do. I get them all the time. A confusion of doctrine, something that isn't clear, they take as an excuse for not committing themselves, for not resolving to do right, because "I don't know yet about this, that, and the other." When people become hypercritical of doctrine, you know they are misbehaving. I've done it myself." (Teachings From the Book of Mormon, Lecture 56, p. 472)

Joseph Fielding Smith

"Bad habits are easily formed, but not so easily broken. Are we yielding to our evil habits, thinking they are only trifles after all, and we will get rid of them in the grave? Do we expect that our bodies will be cleansed in the grave, and we shall come forth with perfect end sanctified bodies in the resurrection? There are some among us who teach such things and excuse themselves for their practices, saying that they will be cleansed in the grave.
"Alma taught a very different doctrine." (Conference Report, Apr. 1969, p. 121)

