“I Perceive That Thy Mind Has Been Worried”

W. Cleon Skousen

In the previous chapter we mentioned the restoration which comes with the resurrection of the dead. Corianton heard his father say the righteous are restored to things pertaining to righteousness, while the wicked are restored to the fruits of their own evil ways. The Spirit whispered to Alma that Corianton -- who disgraced himself with the harlot Isabel while on his mission -- is deeply disturbed by the doctrine of the resurrection where we are restored to the fruits of the kind of life we have lived, whether they were good or evil. Of course, Corianton has been taught the doctrine of repentance and forgiveness, but he wants to know more about this doctrine of restoration.

Alma doesn't hesitate to let Corianton know that he is fully aware of the problem which is troubling his son. He also says he will do his best to explain the doctrine of the restoration.

Treasures from the Book of Mormon
