“Taken Home to That God Who Gave Them Life”

Brant Gardner

First, we should note the important reference to the angel. It was in Alma 39:19 that Alma noted that it was “just as easy” for the Lord to send an angel now as later. We noted at that time that an angel had already come, and Alma reiterates the angelic revelation that lies behind this information. Indeed, it is not only easy, but it has happened, and if the angels have come, then the Atoning Messiah will come.

The essential information that Alma provides is that in this interim between death and resurrection, “the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.” Once again, all men are treated the same in that they are all taken back to God. They are not assigned to some existence outside of God, they are not assigned to some existence with the Adversary..

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
