Alma 40:2 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
that this mortal does not put on [immortality 01ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST|immorality B]

Here the 1837 typesetter accidentally mis-set immortality as immorality. He made the same mistake in the next chapter:

We have another example of the same mistake, but this one is found in the 1892 RLDS edition:

In each case, of course, the error is an impossible reading. In fact, the word moral (and related words such as morality, immoral, and immorality) never occur in the Book of Mormon text, although one would think they could.

Summary: Maintain immortality in Alma 40:2, Alma 41:4, and 3 Nephi 28:8; there are no instances in the text of the word immorality.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
