“Denying the Holy Ghost?”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Sexual immorality is here identified as the third most serious sin, exceeded in seriousness only by the sin against the Holy Ghost and murder. When persons tamper with the procreative power they tamper with the sources of human life, with that which is at the heart and core of the plan of salvation. President Joseph F. Smith taught:

“No more loathsome cancer disfigures the body and soul of society today than the frightful affliction of sexual sin. It vitiates the very fountains of life, and bequeaths its foul effects to the yet unborn as a legacy of death.” (Improvement. Era, vol. 20, p. 739.)

“The Shedding of Innocent Blood”

Murder, the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought, is the second most serious sin. It is an abomination in the sight of God because it, like unchastity, involves the unlawful tampering with human life. It is a “sin unto death” (see 1 John 5:16-17), an offense which is called the unforgivable sin.

Joseph Smith taught: “A murderer, for instance, one that sheds innocent blood, cannot have forgiveness” (Teachings, p. 339). It is unforgivable in the sense that it is not covered by the atonement of Jesus Christ; the guilty person will suffer for his or her own sin.

“The call to repentance and baptism which includes murderers (3 Nephi 30) has reference to those who took life while engaged in unrighteous wars, as did the Lamanites, because they were compelled to do so, and not because they in their hearts sought the blood of their fellow men. On the other hand, the Jews on whose hands the blood of Christ was found were not invited to repent and be baptized (Acts 3:19-21).” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 520; see also Teachings, pp. 188, 339.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
