“Keep the Secret Plans and Oaths and Covenants from This People”

Monte S. Nyman

Alma’s instructions are for Helaman’s people. However, we must also apply them to ourselves and our day. The question may be asked, if Helaman did not tell his people of the contents of the oaths, covenants, agreements, and signs (v. 27), how did they get among the Nephites and lead them to destruction? The answer is given later in the Book of Mormon. Helaman did not reveal them, but they came by revelation from Satan (see Helaman 6:25–30). Many people do not recognize Satan as a revelator, but the Lord warned the Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith that some commandments “are of men, and some are of the devil” (D&C 46:7). On another occasion, the Prophet Joseph said; “some revelations are of God, some are of man, and some are of the devil” (HC, 1:162). The Jaredites were fully ripe when they were destroyed (Alma 37:28). Just as the flood came upon the people of Noah when the earth was full of violence (see Moses 8:30), the Jaredites were destroyed because of wickedness, abominations, and murders (Alma 37:29). Wickedness is sinning against God. Abominations usually involve other people and violate other people. The murdering of the prophets took away their leadership and their guidance by revelation. Thus, Helaman was to teach hatred against these sins (v. 32). Not a hatred of the sinner, but a hatred of the practices, so they would avoid the association. People do not associate with things they hate. Alma also stressed the positive aspects of living: turning to God and loving their neighbors (vv. 33–34). These two commandments embrace all of the other commandments (see Matthew 22:37–40).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
