“According as I Have Done”

Brant Gardner

While there is a very noticeable division in the sections of Alma’s discourse to Helaman, we should remember that the two sections are given on the same occasion, and we should therefore presume that there is some connection between the two. The connection in this case goes back to Alma’s opening statement to Helaman:

1 My son, give ear to my words; for I swear unto you, that inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land.

Alma 36:2

2 I would that ye should do as I have done…

Alma’s entire discourse is related to this opening, not just the retelling of his marvelous conversion experience. Alma is intent that Helaman follow in his responsibilities, and this entire discourse is given for that purpose. We find now the real message of the discourse. Helaman is to do as Alma has done, not only in following Christ, but in keeping the records. His faithfulness in performing this duty implies that he will prosper in the land. Thus Alma’s initial personalization of the Nephite lineage promise is directed specifically at this mission of Helaman that will very clearly tie him to those illustrious ancestors by symbolically placing them in his care.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
