“Amulek Testifies”

Monte S. Nyman

Amulek added a second testimony to what Alma had taught. Alma testified that prayers were answered no matter where they were uttered (Alma 33:3–11; quoting the prophet Zenos). Amulek taught them how to prepare themselves to pray (Alma 34:17–19), for whom and what they should pray (vv. 19–25, 27), as well as confirming where Alma said to pray (v. 26). The testimonies of these two great Nephite prophets are some of the best instructions on prayer found in the scriptures. They are simple and yet profound.

Amulek’s next admonition is even more important to us. It is not enough to just pray, we must exemplify our commitment to the Lord and his children after we pray (vv. 28–29). These two oft-quoted verses illustrate the second great commandment, to love our neighbor as ourselves (see Matthew 22:39). These verses are also another witness to the admonition of Nephi, son of Lehi: “the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love. And except they should have charity they were nothing” (2 Nephi 26:30). “Charity is the pure love of Christ” and is a product of our prayers (Moroni 7:47–48) if we pray and act as Alma and Amulek have instructed.

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
