“All Are Hardened; Yea, All Are Fallen and Are Lost”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, all the children of men inherit the conditions of mortality, including a fallen nature. They are oblivious to things of righteousness, are hardened and insensitive to matters spiritual, are lost and alienated from the family of God. “Adam fell,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie has written.

“We know that this fall came because of transgression, and that Adam broke the law of God, became mortal, and was thus subject to sin and disease and all the ills of mortality. We know that the effects of his fall passed upon all his posterity; all inherited a fallen state, a state of mortality, a state in which spiritual and temporal death prevail.

In this state all men sin. All are lost. All are fallen. All are cut off from the presence of God.... Such a way of life is inherent in this mortal existence.” Further: “Spiritual death passes upon all men when they become accountable for their sins.

Being thus subject to sin they die spiritually; they die as pertaining to the things of the Spirit they die as pertaining to the things of righteousness; they are cast out of the presence of God. It is of such men that the scriptures speak when they say that the natural man is an enemy to God.” (Promised Messiah, pp. 244, 350.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
