The Unvarying Prayer of the Apostate Zoramites

Daniel H. Ludlow

Notice how many elements of apostasy are indicated in the set prayer of the apostate Zoramites: (1) They believe God is a spirit only (verse 15). (2) They do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ (verse 16). (3) They do not accept the teachings of the prophets because the “tradition” of their brethren “was handed down to them by the childishness of their fathers”; nevertheless, they readily accepted some of the false teachings or “traditions” which had been passed down by other people (verse 16). (4) They believe in “double predestination”—i.e., God has “elected” them to be saved, but he has elected everyone else to be cast down to hell (verses 17 and 18). Also, note other common practices of religious groups in a state of apostasy: the repetition of memorized prayers in worship, and the relegation of religion to a “Sunday” activity (verses 22 and 23).

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