Some of the Teachings of Korihor the Antichrist

Daniel H. Ludlow

The teachings of the anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon are essentially the same, although Korihor adds a few teachings to those proposed by Nehor. Some of the major teachings of Korihor are: (1) No man can know of anything which is to come—Alma 30:13. (2) Prophecies are simply foolish traditions—Alma 30:14. (3) “Ye cannot know of things which ye do not see” Alma 30:15. (4) There is no such thing as sin and, therefore, there is no need for an atonement and you do not receive a remission of your sins—Alma 30:16-17. (5) There is no existence after death—Alma 30:18. (6) God is “a being who never has been seen or known, who never was nor ever will be”—Alma 30:28.

In essence, Korihor denies the existence of God, the need for a Savior, the power of the priesthood, and the power of prophecy. He apparently accepts only those things which he can perceive through the five physical senses.

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