“He That Repenteth and Exerciseth Faith and Bringeth Forth Good Words and Prayeth Continually”

Bryan Richards

Harold B. Lee

"Frequently the question is asked by those in and out of the Church: How do we develop the spiritual quality in our natures in order to serve our earthly missions more completely and thus become attuned with that infinite power of which the Prophet Ammon speaks?

Ammon answered that question in part: ’Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing -- unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God… .’ (Al. 26:22.)

"For a few moments today, I would have you hear the testimonies as found in sacred scriptures of a few of the great leaders who learned how to tap the sources of divine power and became spiritual giants among the people of their day.
"David, the psalmist, learned even as a young man the source of spiritual power. The spirit whispered, ’Be still, and know that I am God… the God of Jacob is our refuge.’ (Ps. 46:10-11.)
“Prophets of old learned, as all must know, how to communicate with the Lord by prayer, to talk with and then receive answers in the Lord’s own way. To know God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent (John 17:3), as the Master told his disciples, is to begin on the sure course that leads to eternal life in the presence of these glorified beings...” (Conference Report, Oct. 1966, p. 115)

