“Let Us Sing to His Praise”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

As the term is used in this passage, however, Ammon feels the need to sing praises to God in the same sense that one sings the song of redeeming love (see Alma 5:26). We sing to the praise of the Almighty as we keep his commandments, as we express gratitude in prayer, as we acknowledge his hand in all things. In this spirit Elder Bruce R. McConkie offered the following psalm of praise:

“Let Us Sing to His Praise”

Music and song have been an important part of the worship of the Saints in all gospel dispensations. The praise of God has ascended to the heavens through the sweet sounds of the harpist and the thundering majesty of great choirs. While but one can speak at a time in worship services, all can unite in hymns or anthems of praise to our God. Whereas the individual shout of adulation may be deemed indecorous, to raise our voices in harmonious strains of praise exalts the soul and makes the heavens echo with our testimony of his mercy and goodness.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
