Had Taken Upon Them the Name of Antinephilehi

Alan C. Miner

Anti-Nephi-Lehi was the brother of Lamoni and because of their father's death, was now the current king (Alma 24:3). Apparently, Anti-Nephi-Lehi was sympathetic to Ammon's cause (Alma 24:5) and the converted Lamanites might have either taken on his name or he had given the people his name in some connection with rights, freedoms, or privileges that they were allowed (Alma 23:17,18). This special protection and name might have been the cause of the "hatred which became exceedingly sore against them" (Alma 24:2), yet it also might have been the reason for the king's action--to set them apart and protect them from this hatred. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
