Conversion of the Lamanites

K. Douglas Bassett
“In the twenty-third and twenty-fourth chapters of Alma we have a dramatic account of the power of the gospel changing almost a whole nation from a bloodthirsty, indolent, warlike people into industrious, peace-loving people. Of these people the record says that thousands were brought to a knowledge of the Lord, and that as many as were brought to a knowledge of the truth never did fall away… . That is the great message I want to leave here. It is the softening of the hearts that this gospel does to the people who receive it… . Now this remarkable transformation wrought in the hearts of these thousands of people was done in a very short period of time under the influence and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It would do the same thing today for all the peoples of the earth if they would but receive it… .” (Marion G. Romney, Conference Report, Oct. 1948, p. 75)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
