“Establishing Churches”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
They set about organizing congregations so that the gospel might be taught and the ordinances of salvation performed. The Church of Jesus Christ administers the gospel; it is the service agency by which the ordinances of salvation and the teachings and revelations of the Master are made available, in an organized and systematic manner, to the people of the covenant.

“Knowing Good and Evil”

The revelations of the Restoration give Latter-day Saints a perspective of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement that differs from the theologies of the world as the night differs from the day. By the light of the Restoration, condemnation gives way to praise as we speak of father Adam, and the coldness of death gives way to the promise of an eternal union as we speak of the importance of families. The fall of Adam, we learn, was necessary for the exaltation of Adam and all his posterity.

Death, we discover, is but a requisite for resurrection and eternal glory, and the plan of salvation is aptly described as “the great plan of happiness.” Had there been no fall, there could have been no atonement. The fall of Adam brought temporal and spiritual death into the world, and it is from these deaths that man and all forms of life are ransomed through the atonement of Christ. Salvation comes because of the Fall and the Atonement.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
