“They Were Spread Through the Wilderness on the West”

Alan C. Miner

The reader should note that there was a population of more idle Lamanites "ON the west of the land of Zarahemla," not "IN" that land; therefore, the general land of Zarahemla was not thought to reach the west coast at this time. The Lamanites might have formally controlled this west strip at this time, controlling travel through the area. Or as the verse suggests, "idle" Lamanites might have just occupied this area which politically might have been neutral, with possible Nephite settlers or other settlers living there also. Whatever the case, it appears that the area would soon be realized to have great military significance. This lane of travel might explain how the Lamanite armies could have moved to attack Ammonihah apparently unhindered in Alma 16:2 and 49:1. It was apparently here that Moroni chose to establish an important part of his military defense line (Alma 50:11). It was apparently here that Helaman and his 2000 stripling warriors fought courageously in battles for the defense of the land of Zarahemla in the first century B.C. (Alma 56) And it was apparently here (possibly more on the north ) that the Nephites occupied Joshua in the final series of their battles with the Lamanites in the 4th century A.D. (Mormon 2) [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See Geographical Theory Maps]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
