“Will Give Away All My Sins to Know Thee”

K. Douglas Bassett

contrast Alma 20:21-23

“We may not always succeed as quickly as we would want, but as we make repentance a constant part of our lives, miracles occur. This is what happens as we see that we really can overcome our sins: Our ‘confidence [waxes] strong in the presence of God’ (D&C 121:45). We kneel in humility before our Father. We tell him openly of our progress, and also of our fears and doubts. As we draw near to him, he draws near to us. He gives us peace and encouragement. He heals our souls. As we continue inch by inch to repent, we determine that nothing will hold us back: we will do our part. We come to feel like that great Lamanite king who cried, ‘Oh God, … wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee’ (Alma 22:18). With this commitment to who we can become, the spiritual doors swing open. There is a new freedom to feel and to know, a freedom to become.” (Neil L. Anderson, Ensign, Apr. 1995, p. 52)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
