“The Sting of Death Should Be Swallowed Up in the Hopes of Glory”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Truly there is a power in Christ, “power not only to create the worlds and divide the seas but also to still the storms of the human heart, to heal the pain of scarred and beaten souls. We must learn to trust in him more, in the arm of flesh less. We must learn to rely on him more, and on man-made solutions less. We must learn to surrender our burdens to him more. We must learn and work to our limits and then be willing to seek that grace or enabling power which will make up the difference, that sacred power which indeed makes all the difference!” (Robert L. Millet, Life in Christ, p. 108.)

Truly Nephi taught this priceless and precious message when he reminded us that “it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23). After-meaning not “following or subsequent to” but rather “above and beyond”-after all we can do, it will be finally by the condescension and mercy and grace of the Holy One of Israel that we become like him, vessels fit to live with him who bought us with his blood.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
