“The Plan of Redemption”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

The account of the conversion of Lamoni’s father at the hands of Aaron is virtually a repeat of the story of Ammon’s teaching and converting Lamoni (see Alma 18:28-36). He first testifies that “the Great Spirit” is God, the creator of all things both in heaven and on earth. He reads from the scriptures the account of Adam’s creation in the image and likeness of God and explains how the earth and all things upon it became corruptible, or mortal, by virtue of Adam’s fall.

Death and the grave would have ruled supreme save a plan of redemption had been provided, a plan which gave the sure promise that God’s own Son would take upon himself mortal flesh, and that through his suffering and death he would atone for Adam’s fall. Christ’s atoning sacrifice would break the bands of physical death and grant mankind the hope of eternal glory if they would take upon themselves the sacred name of their Redeemer.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
