“Behold Assuredly as Thou Livest, O King, There Is a God”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

These are touching and tender words. They are the testimony of one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the world. Aaron knows. He knows. He does not just hope there is a God, nor does he derive his witness from the physical evidences (though many) that point toward the reasonableness of a belief in a God.

He knows because he has seen and felt and heard. He has experienced the Spirit of the Lord and can therefore speak with power and authority from God.

“God Himself”

The great, the last, the eternal sacrifice was “not a sacrifice of man” (Alma 34:10) but of a God. Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament, the God of the New Testament, the literal Son of the Eternal Father, the maker of heaven and earth, offered himself up as atonement to answer the ends of the Fall and satisfy the demands of justice.

Elder Boyd K. Packer testified: “Know this: Truth, glorious truth, proclaims there is . . . a Mediator. ’For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ (1 Timothy 2:5). Through him mercy can be fully extended to each of us without offending the eternal law of justice.

This truth is the very root of Christian doctrine. You may know much about the gospel as it branches out from there, but if you only know the branches and those branches do not touch that root if they have been cut free from that truth, there will be no life nor substance nor redemption in them.” (CR, April 1977, p. 80.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
