The Great Spirit

Church Educational System
Aaron needed some common understanding from which to start teaching the gospel to King Lamoni’s father. The Lamanites believed in a Great Spirit who had created all things (see Alma 22:11), so Aaron began with this basic principle in teaching the king.

Concerning the Lamanite’s belief in the Great Spirit, Elder Bruce R. McConkie said:

“According to Lamanite traditions, God is the Great Spirit. It is obvious that by this designation the Lamanites had in mind a personal being, for King Lamoni mistakenly supposed that Ammon was the Great Spirit. (Alma 18:2–28; 19:25–27.) Both Ammon and Aaron, using the same principle of salesmanship applied by Paul on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22–31), taught that the Great Spirit was the God who created the heavens and the earth. (Alma 18:8–29; 22:8–11.)”

(Mormon Doctrine, p. 340).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (1996 Edition)
