“They Went Forth Whithersoever They Were Led by the Spirit of the Lord”

Bryan Richards

How many prayers have been offered on behalf of the missionaries that they might be led to those who are searching after the truth? The missionaries themselves are praying for that same blessing, but it takes some real spiritual courage to depend wholeheartedly on the Spirit. A good missionary, like Aaron, must know how to be led by the Spirit.

Harold B. Lee

“I must go on many occasions, as did Nephi of old, being led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do (1 Nephi 4:6). Yes though the night be dark, ’I do not ask to see the distant scene—one step [is] enough for me.’” (Conference Report, Apr. 1970, pp. 125-6)

Harold B. Lee

“Walk to the edge of the light, and perhaps a few steps into the darkness, and you will find that the light will appear and move ahead of you.” (Boyd K. Packer: A Watchman on the Tower, p. 138)

Wilford Woodruff

“I went one evening to fill an appointment in the Town Hall, at the town of Hanley. There was a very large congregation, and I had appointments out for two or three weeks in that town and adjacent villages. As I went to take my seat the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and said to me, ’this is the last meeting you will hold with this people for many days.’ I was surprised, because I did not know, of course what the Lord wanted me to do. I told the assembly when I rose, ’This is the last meeting I shall hold with you for many days.’ They asked me after meeting where I was going. I told them I did not know. I went before the Lord in my closet and asked him where he wished me to go, and all the answer I could get was to go to the South. I got into a stage and rode eighty miles south, as I was led by the Spirit of the Lord. The first man‘s house I went into was John Benbow’s…and I told him that the Lord had sent me to that place. But without wishing to dwell on this subject particularly I will say that I learned that there were six hundred people there, under Elder Kington, called ’United Brethren,’ and that they had been praying to the Lord for guidance in the way of life and salvation. Then I knew why the Lord had sent me to that place—he had sent them what they had been praying for. I commenced preaching the Gospel to them, and I also commenced baptizing, Elder Pitt being among the first who was baptized by me into this Church and kingdom. The first thirty days after I arrived there I had baptized forty-five preachers, which flung nearly fifty preaching places, licensed by law, into my hands; and out of the six hundred belonging to Elder Kington‘s body all were baptized but one in seven months’ labor. I brought eighteen hundred into the Church in that mission, and I will say that the power of God rested upon me and upon the people.” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 15, p. 344)

