“There Arose an Amalekite and Began to Contend With Aaron”

Brant Gardner

Rhetoric: As this theological argument erupts, it is based in Nehorite doctrine, as it was when Zeezrom confronted Alma in Ammonihah. (See commentary accompanying Alma 10:31 and 11:21–35.) Ammonihah generally espoused the order of the Nehors; even its chief judge was “after the order of Nehor” (Alma 14:16) and Zeezrom’s arguments reflect that philosophy. Here an Amalekite challenges with the same method (questioning) and the same types of arguments. Perhaps this mode of argumentation was a cultural trait associated with Nehorism. The use of argumentation and logic may help explain why the order could be so influential among the Nephites with their lengthy traditional belief in the gospel.

In the Book of Mormon world of Aaron’s day, the wealthiest cities would have been Lamanite. A religion that offered logical ways to mix Nephite beliefs with Lamanite ones might have been particularly attractive as a way of retaining some of the old while embracing the tempting new.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
