“Fallen into the Hands of a More Hardened and Stiffnecked People”

Brant Gardner

Chronology: Mormon has compressed the timeframe of these events to make them appear to happen within a short period of time. Yet when Mormon describes Ammon’s brothers, it is clear that their story requires a longer timeframe than that which Mormon has recorded for Ammon. It is quite likely that the timeframe of Ammon’s story is also longer than it appears in Mormon’s redaction, but Mormon has coordinated them to improve the story he wants to tell.

Text: Mormon quickly summarizes the mission to this point of Aaron, Muloki, and Ammah. Typically, when he is not quoting a sermon, Mormon presents the history tersely, fashioning a skimpy framework on which to hang his next quoted sermon. This is the end of a chapter in the 1830 edition.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
