Alma 19:18-20

Brant Gardner

One of the subtle aspects of this story is that Abish gathered people who were close by. Unstated was that if one were living that close to the king, they were likely to have been relatives or, otherwise, important people. The poor typically do not reside that close to the king. Additionally, it is common to restrict those who might enter into the presence of the king. That these people were important adds significance to the next major event.

As the people gather, they do not know what has gone on before. They were not present when Lamoni awakened and praised God. They come and see three people lying as though dead. Seeing their king and queen lying as though dead was certainly shocking, and clearly led to the speculation that Ammon’s presence must have caused this terrible condition. Some declared that the king had made a mistake by inviting a Nephite to be a servant. Others declared that it was the king himself who brought on evil by killing his servants at the waters of Sebus; even the king thought this was possible.

Book of Mormon Minute
