Is a trance a legitimate method of revelation?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The story of Ammon and Lamoni affirms religious trances as a legitimate revelatory device. Lamoni, as already noted, came forth from his trance testifying that he had seen the Redeemer and then prophesied relative to the Savior’s birth and the necessity of all mankind believing on his name. The testimony of his servants was that while they were in this state of physical insensibility, angels instructed them in the principles of salvation and their obligation to live righteously. Indeed, they experienced a change of heart and no longer had a desire to do evil. Such is the state in which the power of God overcomes the ‘natural frame’ and one is ‘carried away in God’” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary, 3:141).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
