“A Marvelous Light of His Goodness”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

Verse 6 contains a succinct and powerful definition of true conversion, which involves dispelling darkness and being filled with light We also learn that spiritual experiences (being “carried away in God”) can bring about a physically weakened condition. To study this interesting phenomenon, examine the following series of scriptural passages: 1 Nephi 1:7; 17:47; 19:20; Jacob 7:21; Alma 27:17; 36:10; Moses 1:9–10; Daniel 8:27; 10:8. 33

In verse 10, notice the Jewish form of expressing respect and honor toward a female: “I say unto thee, woman …”

Ammon prayed for the Spirit to touch the people, and it happened. Miracles are always involved in the conversion process. They include, in this case, a Lamanite woman had been converted through a remarkable vision of her father, a missionary could not be killed, a queen spoke words not understood by others, hearts had been changed, and many had seen and talked with angels. Which of these miracles was the greatest?

Incidentally, this Lamanite woman, Abish, is one of only four women mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon; the other three are Sariah (1 Nephi 2:5), Mary (Mosiah 3:8), and Isabel (Alma 39:3). As with the Bible, women are included by name in the scriptural narratives only when they play a significant part in a story or a teaching. The conversion of Abish played an important role in the conversion of large numbers of Lamanites and demonstrates the far-reaching effects of a righteous father on a daughter and on society.

Verse 33 further defines the process of true conversion: “hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do evil.” President Joseph F. Smith describes his conversion: “I was indeed cleansed from sin; my heart was touched, and I felt that I would not injure the smallest insect beneath my feet. I felt as if I wanted to do good everywhere to everybody and to everything. I felt a newness of life, a newness of desire to do that which was right. There was not one particle of desire for evil left in my soul.” 34

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 1
