What was happening to Lamoni?

Thomas R. Valletta

“While Lamoni’s body took on the appearance of death for three days, his spirit was very much alive and actively learning. Parallel ordeals of the same length of time are found throughout scripture. … Alma the Younger was unable to speak or move during the three days of his spiritual awakening. (Mosiah 27:18–25.) Paul received his sight after being blind three days. … (Acts 9:8–9.) Christ used Jonah’s three-days’ experience in the belly of a great fish to teach His death and resurrection to the Pharisees. (Matt. 12:40.) Each of these incidents points to the death and resurrection of the Messiah, whose body was in the tomb for three days while his spirit was in the spirit world” (Fronk, “Show Forth Good Examples in Me,” 325).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
