Alma 17:14-17

Brant Gardner

In verse 13 Mormon indicated that the brothers separated from one another. That information is repeated in verse 17. That repetition suggests that we look at verses 14-16 as information that Mormon inserted into the story as he found it in Alma’s records. That insertion suggests that the Nephite stereotyping of the Lamanites persists into Mormon’s day. They are not painted favorably at all.

What is most remarkable about this insertion is that the picture we will see of the Lamanites in the next several chapters is dramatically different from this stereotypical designation. It almost appears that Mormon understood that the story from the sons of Mosiah would lead to different conclusions, and so he inserts that text to prejudice his readers to see the Lamanites in that less favorable light.

It is also important to note that Mormon believes that repentance would alter all of the negative statements he has made about the Lamanites. In a sense, he is correct. Those who are converted will become Nephites, and, therefore, leave behind the unfavorable descriptions that apply to Lamanites. These are ethnocentric descriptions, and the evidence of these chapters will underscore the fact that they should not be seen as complete historical facts.

Book of Mormon Minute
